About Us….
Melbourne’s first doll hospital is home to many recovering dolls. Physical disfiguration, damaged hair, bruised cheeks and broken limbs. It is nothing but a small priceless treasure box filled with many colourful characters.
Similar to the long life of some of its patients, it has an extensive history and was housed in the prestigious Royal Arcade in Melbourne when it was setup in 1882. Its present location is in Claremont Ave, Malvern, Victoria. Its longevity is testimony to the popularity of dolls, and the legend has it that it was the first doll hospital in Australia. Restoration is carried out with emphasis on authenticity and sensitivity to the clients childhood memories.
From beautiful Brus,stunning Steiners, to the humblest of cloth dolls made from socks, they all come to the Doll Hospital to be lovingly restored Intriguing and mystical , the Doll Hospital has played an important role in the lives of many adults and children in Melbourne and we continue the tradition of maintaining the memories of childhood treasures. As a three year old myself, I have vivid memories of visiting the Doll Hospital and gazing in wonder and amazement at all the beautiful faces looking back at me. Who would have thought all these years later that my earliest memories have become my working life.
When dolls and teddies arrive, there are many procedures that can be carried out. Antique dolls can have their eyesight restored with antique glass eyes, their limbs restrung and mended, wigs rejuvenated or replaced and teeth repaired. Antique clothing can be restored or if lost remodeled. Hard plastic dolls can have their mechanisms repaired, their eyes and lashes replaced or the full beauty treatment including a facial. The Doll Hospital restores all types of dolls including; vinyl, composition, wax and cloth dolls. Reserve stocks are limited but we can always restore damaged parts.
Teddies hold a special place in our hearts. Retaining the fine character of old bears is one of the most important aspects of our restoration work. Every bear has a personality which we aim to preserve. Gerry Gees, Marionettes, monkeys, rabbits and dogs have been patients at the Doll Hospital. The Doll Hospital takes enormous pleasure and pride in restoring your precious dolls and teddies to their former glory so that they can be enjoyed by future generations.